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日期:2018-11-15  发布人:clxy  浏览量:

David Hendrickson

  Dean and Professor


PhD in Information Systems
MS in Software Engineering
BS in Electrical Engineering

  Background: Dr. Hendrickson is the Dean and Professor at Washington Technology University and previously served as the Executive Director of the Technology Institute at City University of Seattle. With nearly 20 years of industry experience, Dr. Hendrickson has worked for companies such as Philips Healthcare, Boston Scientific, Medtronic and IBM in engineering and management roles. Dr. Hendrickson holds patents in machine learning. Dr. Hendrickson holds degrees in Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, and Information Systems from University of Minnesota, University of St. Thomas and Nova Southeastern University respectively.

  Ada Cai

  Associate Professor


  PhD in Computer Science
    MS in Computer Science
   BS in Computer Science

  Background: Dr. Cai received her Ph.D degree in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2009. Before working at Washington Technology University, she spent 6 years in Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an assistant professor where she taught several key courses in Computer Science, including Algorithms, Programming languages, etc. Ada has a passion for teaching and received "Excellent Young Faculty" and "New Teaching Star" awards. She also conducted research in concurrent models for program analysis and supervised graduate students with their master thesis. Ada was awarded to two grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


  Emma Kong

  Assistant Professor


  PhD in Computer Engineering
              MS in Communication Engineering
      BS in Information Engineering

  Background: Dr. Kong received a B.S degree in Information Engineering from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, M.S degree in Communication Engineering from National Central University, Taiwan, and Ph.D degree in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University in January 2018. Before working at Washington Technology University, she was a research assistant and teaching assistant in the areas of networking, stochastic modeling and control in communication networks since 2011. She assisted in multiple undergraduate and graduate courses, which included Computer Networks, Introduction to Computer Systems, Introduction to Wireless Networking, Principles of Electrical Engineering, and Queuing Theory. Her missions are not only to convey knowledge efficiently to students, but also to inspire and motivate students inside and outside the classroom.




  Deanne Larson

  Adjunct Lecturer

  PhD in International Management
       DM in Information Systems and Technology
       MS in Business Analytics

  Background: Dr. Larson runs her own project consulting company and previously served as a Director with AT&T Wireless. Dr. Larson holds two doctorates, one in management (DM) in IT Leadership from University of Phoenix as well as PhD in International Management from the International School of Management in Paris. Dr. Larson’s dissertations are centered on the value of data in establishing a corporate data strategy and on success factors for data science-centric products and services. She also holds a Master’s in Business Analytics from NYU Stern School of Business.


  Dennis Vickers

  Adjunct Lecturer

  PhD in Information Systems
      MBA emphasis in Information Technology
      BS in Management of Information Systems

  Background: Dr. Vickers is currently a software project consultant but previously served as President, Vice President, Director of various software companies including his own. Dr. Vickers holds a Bachelor degree in MIS from California State University, Fullerton, MBA from Chapman University, and PhD in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Vicker's dissertation’s focus was the creation of a domain aware genetic algorithm for the p-Median Problem.



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